Program Objective
We live in an era of change, where the rate of technological change in the last fifty years is significantly higher than in the previous several thousand years of human history. The wheel of change never stops; it spins faster and stronger. Therefore, managing change, creativity, and innovation, which are integral parts of change management, is a crucial skill for modern business leaders.
The goal of this seminar is to develop skills and knowledge in managing creativity, innovation, and introducing changes in organizations. Among other things, the seminar answers the following key questions: How to stimulate creativity and achieve successful creative breakthroughs and innovations in your product and service portfolio? How to use creative problem-solving methods in business? How to improve your skills in initiating and implementing changes, step by step, gaining a coalition for changes, and overcoming resistance to changes, which are an integral part of every organization and working with people?
Managing Change, Creativity, and Innovation
Special attention in the training will be devoted to the practical aspect of managing change, creativity, and innovation, as well as how to successfully apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical business situations.
Inteted Audience
The seminar is primarily intended for middle and senior-level managers, but in a broader sense, it is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their skills in managing change, creativity, and innovation.
After completing the seminar, participants will be able to
- After the seminar, participants will be able to:
- Describe and explain methods of managing change, creativity, and innovation.
- Analyze, recognize, discover, and evaluate correct and incorrect practices that occur in the process of managing change, creativity, and innovation, as well as how to avoid typical mistakes.
- Apply specific methods for managing change, creativity, and innovation.
- Synthesize their own approach and method for managing change, creativity, and innovation based on various models and concepts introduced during the seminar.
Implementation Method
The program uses various methods: facilitated discussions, case studies, group work, critical event analysis, demonstrations, presentations, brainstorming, questionnaires, panels, sharing of experiences, and more. The main focus is on skill development rather than dry theoretical information transfer, which is dominant in traditional teaching methods.
Program Topics
- Agility in acquiring information, new knowledge, and skills – how to continuously increase your know-how and stay up-to-date with innovations.
- The difference between creativity and innovation.
- Types of human thinking and idea generation; components of the idea generation process.
- Methods to stimulate creative thinking.
- Managing changes in a company through innovation and management in conditions of reengineering and redesign.
- Communicating changes and “selling ideas.”
- Forming a coalition for changes, steps for introducing changes in organizations, and overcoming resistance to change.