The Art of Leadership – Leadership 2D

The art of leadership is one of the most studied and least understood phenomena in this world

J. M. Burns

The goal of the educational program “Proactive Leadership – Leadership 2D” is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge essential for contemporary leadership, which represents a fundamental prerequisite for successful organizational management in the 21st century. Through this seminar, participants will become familiar with the concept, characteristics, qualities, styles, and the latest insights related to leadership practice, key competencies, and leadership skills. Special attention will be given to the psychological and practical aspects of leadership, including how to effectively apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical business situations.

Participants in the program will discover what distinguishes excellent business leaders and how and why excellent managers achieve, on average, twice as good business results as good managers and thousands of times better than weak managers in the same business conditions.

The Art of Leadership – Leadership 2D

Seminar Objective
Intended Audience

The seminar is designed for anyone in their work environment who leads others or is preparing to do so, in order to do it better and more successfully. This includes managers at all levels, team leaders, newly appointed managers, and all business professionals who wish to enhance their professional and personal development.


After completing the seminar, participants will be able to
  • Describe and explain models of contemporary leadership and leadership as the foundation of successful business management.
  • Describe and explain leadership styles and motivation models.
  • Analyze, recognize, discover, and evaluate correct and incorrect procedures (mistakes) that occur in the process of leadership and how to appropriately handle discovered errors, as well as how to avoid typical mistakes.
  • Apply motivation models.
  • Apply various leadership and coaching styles.
  • Synthetically select their own approach and method of leadership and motivation based on various models they have been introduced to.


Implementation Method

Participants are divided into teams that compete in solving a series of leadership-related problem situations during the program. Various methods are used in the program, including facilitated discussions, role-playing, video feedback, case studies, group work, critical event analysis, demonstrations, presentations, brainstorming, questionnaires, panels, mutual exchange of experiences, and more. The primary focus is on skill development rather than dry transmission of theoretical information, which is typical of traditional teaching methods.



The optimal duration of the seminar is 16 school hours (2 days), divided into 8 blocks of 90 minutes each.


Program Topics
  • Five key leadership competencies
  • Fatal leadership mistakes and how to avoid them in practice
  • Motivation principles; how to give praise, provide and receive feedback
  • Corrective feedback from a manager, how to give constructive criticism, how to point out mistakes to others without offending them
  • The art of delegation – how to delegate goals and tasks in a motivating way, how to present new content, how to teach subordinates
  • Psychological aspects of leadership – communication, emotional and social intelligence of the leader; how to build positive relationships with colleagues
  • Using team creativity methods to approach new projects and tasks
  • Leadership styles and how to apply them in practice
  • Learning by example – analyzing the leadership principles of some of the most successful business leaders
  • Swimming with sharks – how to deal with situations entwined with power games and manipulation, how to increase your influence on others, how to defend yourself against dark psychological methods, how to use the art of persuasion and influence
  • Manager self-awareness, self-examination of one’s own actions, development of one’s own leadership style, and continuous improvement
Number of Participants

The optimal number of participants is 8 to 12.

The Art of Leadership – Leadership 2D