Business Negotiation 1D

Program Objective

Successful negotiations are crucial for achieving goals in terms of volume/sales, profit, and market positioning. Just one percent (1%) in savings achieved in commercial negotiations is often equivalent to a 10% increase in sales in the following year. The most common mistake negotiators make is poor or inadequate negotiation preparation and relying on their own “experience, skill, and talent” in negotiation. The era of negotiations based on good personal relationships (often over a meal) is long gone. Today, the basis of negotiations lies in a good understanding of the “opposing side,” a thorough analysis of the current situation and the desired situation (objectives), and how to get there – tactics, alignment with the other side’s strategy. Tomorrow’s negotiations will be even more about aligning strategies and less about compromising to reconcile differences.

The goal of the seminar is to acquire skills and knowledge in effective business negotiation by participants. The training will pay special attention to the psychological and practical aspects of business negotiation and how to successfully apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical business situations. The “Business Negotiation” training enables participants to understand a professional approach to negotiations and timely and thorough preparation, which are key to success in negotiations.

Business Negotiation 1D

Intented Audience

The seminar is intended for anyone who wants to improve their business negotiation skills, especially those who participate in commercial negotiations.


After completing the seminar, participants will be able to
  • Describe and explain the principles of preparation and tactics for successful business negotiation.
  • Describe and explain tricks in business negotiations.
  • Analyze, recognize, discover, and assess correct and incorrect actions (mistakes) that occur in the process of business negotiation and how to avoid typical mistakes.
  • Apply certain principles and tactics of successful business negotiation.
  • Apply tricks in business negotiations.
  • Synthetically, based on various models, choose their approach and method of business negotiation.


Implementation Method

Participants are divided into teams that compete in solving a series of problem situations during the program. Throughout the program, various working methods are used: facilitated discussions, role-playing, video feedback, case studies, group work, analysis of critical events, demonstrations, presentations, brainstorming, questionnaires, panels, exchange of experiences, and more. The greatest attention is paid to skill development rather than the dry transfer of theoretical information, which dominates in traditional teaching.



The optimal duration of the seminar is 8 school hours, divided into four blocks of 90 minutes each. In addition to this abbreviated version of the seminar, there is also a two-day version of Business Negotiation 2D that covers the same topic in more depth with more exercises.


Program Topics
  • Principles of negotiation.
  • Possible negotiation outcomes (win-win, win-lose, etc.).
  • Preparation for negotiations.
  • Where we are strong and how to use it.
  • Where we are weak and how to improve/hide weaknesses.
  • Where the other party is strong and how to defend against it.
  • Where the other party is weak and how to exploit it.
  • Possible problems and solution scenarios.
  • Concessions in negotiations – how and when.
  • Tactics we will use and anticipating tactics from the other side.
  • Preparation for counter-tactics.
  • Process, time, responsible parties in the negotiation process.
  • BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement).
Number of Participants

The optimal number of participants is 8 – 12

Business Negotiation 1D