Academy – Proactive Leadership

Academy – Proactive Leadership
Program Objective

Through our previous work, we have organized business conferences with leading global business leaders and experts in proactive leadership and business management.

We have previously brought Jack Welch, Tom Peters, and Robert Kaplan to Croatia to promote the best leadership and management methods. Often, professors who teach leadership do so based on “paper” knowledge, i.e., what they have learned from books, research, and perhaps some experiences and observations on the topic. In other words, without real experience working in high-level leadership positions.

Akademija - Proaktivno vođenje

In our new project called the Academy – Proactive Leadership, we have assembled leading regional experts in the field of proactive leadership as lecturers, business trainers, and workshop facilitators. These experts have previously held the most responsible leadership and managerial positions in various industries. This know-how, gained from personal experience, personal trials in achieving results in business and sports organizations, is transferred to participants through the workshops we organize.

Therefore, we have gathered experts who have successfully performed the most responsible managerial tasks for years, even decades, and have experienced all the intricacies of managerial work firsthand. They will endeavor to share their rich experiences with participants through the workshops. This sets our program apart from most programs currently available.

Academy – Proactive Leadership is an in-house educational program that we tailor to the client’s needs. The usual duration of the program is 4 to 12 days (32 to 96 school hours), and the duration and topics are determined in consultation with the client based on their preferences. Depending on the client’s needs, each of the offered workshops can be extended beyond the offered number of hours. Additionally, the Academy can include additional topics or workshops, such as Business Presentation and Public Speaking, Proactive Sales, Business Decision-Making, CRM – Customer Relationship Management, Change Management, and more, which are not part of the primary version of the Academy, but descriptions of these programs can be found on our website.

This educational program is an excellent option when an organization has about ten managers from different (often non-economic) backgrounds who have not previously received uniform training in leadership. The program allows them to better connect, collectively acquire specific skills and knowledge, and adopt similar managerial approaches. In other words, the program enables the organization to uniformly and effectively raise the overall level of leadership.

The program can be linked to our other programs, such as the assessment of the managerial competencies of individual participants (using methods like 360-degree feedback, sociometric methods, and psychometric methods) and individual work with participants (coaching, counseling, etc.).

The goal of the Academy is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge essential for contemporary leadership, which are a fundamental prerequisite for successful organizational management in the 21st century. Through this program, participants will become familiar with the concept, characteristics, attributes, styles, and the latest insights related to leadership practice, key leadership competencies, and skills.

The comprehensive program also enables participants to acquire knowledge and skills that are part of the broader art of leadership and motivation:

  • Communication skills and conflict resolution
  • Business negotiation
  • Project management
  • Finance and controlling
  • Time and priority management
  • Building and leading successful teams
  • Emotional intelligence, stress, energy, and physical intelligence
  • Personal Branding & Storytelling

The program will pay special attention to the psychological and practical aspects of leadership, i.e., how to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical business situations. Through the program, participants will discover what makes excellent business leaders excellent and how and why excellent managers achieve on average twice as good business results as good managers and thousands of times better than weak managers in the same business conditions.

Intented Audience

The Academy is primarily intended for middle management, but we adapt programs as needed for senior management or lower management. Therefore, it can be said that the Academy is intended for anyone in their work environment who leads others or is preparing to do so in order to do it better and more successfully. This includes managers at all levels, team leaders, newly appointed managers, and all business professionals who want to improve professionally and personally.


After completing the porgram, participants will be able to
  • Describe and explain models of contemporary leadership and motivation, business communication and conflict resolution, business negotiation, time and priority management, building and leading successful teams, emotional and physical intelligence, personal branding.
  • Analyze, recognize, discover, and assess correct and incorrect actions (mistakes) that occur in the process of leadership, business communication and conflict resolution, business negotiation, time and priority management, team building and leadership, emotional and physical intelligence, personal branding, and appropriate actions in case of identified mistakes, as well as how to avoid typical mistakes.
  • Apply successful models of leadership and motivation, business communication and conflict resolution, business negotiation, time and priority management, building and leading successful teams.
  • Synthetically select their own approach and leadership style based on various models they have learned.


Implementation Method

Participants are divided into teams that compete in solving a series of problem situations throughout the program. We use various methods during the program, including facilitated discussions, role-playing, video feedback, case studies, group work, critical event analysis, demonstrations, presentations, brainstorming, questionnaires, panels, exchange of experiences, and more. We prioritize skill development in our work, rather than simply conveying theoretical information, which is prevalent in traditional teaching methods.



We strive to provide our clients with exceptionally high-quality education services. Typically, participant evaluations of our training programs fall within the range of 4.5 to 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5. For the vast majority of our programs, if the average rating of the educational program’s performance is less than 4.00, we reduce the training cost by 50%.



The usual duration of the program is 4 to 12 days (32 to 96 instructional hours), depending on the client’s preferences. Clients can choose between four and twelve days of the program based on their own needs. Additionally, based on the client’s needs, individual workshops can be extended to more hours, and topics that are not included in the primary program, such as Business Presentation and Public Speaking, Business Decision-Making, and others, can be covered within the academy.


Highlighted from the program content

The typical Academy program (12 days) consists of the following workshops:

RB Theme Short Description The number of school hours / typical number of days.
1 Proactive 2D Management This part of the program is predominantly described under the description of the workshop “Leadership 2D,” with an additional emphasis on developing the proactivity of leaders 16 hours / 2 days
2 Change, Creativity, and Innovation Management This part of the program is comprehensively described under the description of the workshop “Change Management, Creativity, and Innovation.” 8 hours
3 Business Communication and Conflict Resolution The program combines content from two workshops detailed under the titles “Business Communication with Style” and “Conflict Management.” 8 hours
4 Business Negotiation This part of the program is comprehensively described under the description of the workshop “Business Negotiation 1D.” 8 hours
5 Project Management This part of the program is comprehensively described under the description of the workshop “Project Management.” 16 hours
6 Selected topics in finance and controlling This part of the program is tailored to the participants’ knowledge level in the field of finance and controlling. If participants do not have an economic background, the workshop “Finance for Non-Financial Professionals” is typically conducted. 8 hours
7 Efficiency and Effectiveness This part of the program is comprehensively described under the description of the workshop “Time and Priority Management – Efficiency and Effectiveness.” 8 hours
8 Creating and Leading Successful Teams This part of the program is comprehensively described under the description of the workshop “Creating and Leading Successful Teams.” 8 hours
9 EQ, Stress, Energy, and Physical Intelligence This part of the program is comprehensively described under the description of the workshop “EQ, Stress, Energy, and Physical Intelligence.” 8 hours
10 Personal Branding and Storytelling This part of the program is comprehensively described under the description of the workshop “Personal Branding & Storytelling.” 8 hours

Upon your inquiry and according to your needs, we will customize the program to your specifications and send you a brochure with a thoroughly detailed description of the program.


Number of Participants

The optimal number of participants is 8 – 12.

The typical group size for our in-house workshops is 8 – 12 participants. However, if you have fewer than 8 participants who would like to enroll in this program, please still contact us. We will make an effort to organize an open-type program for such participants, meaning we will include them in groups with participants from other companies.

Academy – Proactive Leadership